Messages-driven automation system for large-scale sequencing center (a.k.a. PRESTA)

PRESTA is a Python application that handles sequencing data produced from a large scale NGS Core facility. It leverages a reliable distributed task queue to create a messages-driven automation system. Presta is focused on real-time operation, but supports batch scheduling as well.

Managing tasks and messages, PRESTA is so able to automatically orchestrate format conversion, demultiplexing, quality checks, LIMS update and data preparation for on-site storage or delivery to external sites.

PRESTA is currently part of the CRS4 fully automated infrastructure to support bioinformatics analysis of sequencing data.

PRESTA proudly relies on Ansible, Celery, Docker, RabbitMQ

Tasks currently supported:

Git repositories

Docker images


Further Reading

  1. Cuccuru, G. et al. (2014). An Automated Infrastructure to Support High-troughput Bioinformatics. In Proceedings of. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation , 07/2014, pages 600-607.
    DOI: 10.1109/HPCSim.2014.6903742.